Our Services

Cocktail Creation

Allow us to do what we do best: create cocktails. We will happily craft individual cocktails, detailing the ingredients, methods, and cost-effectiveness for both professional and personal purposes. We know you’re busy, so avoid the hassle of dedicating extra time, resources, and money trying to realize your concept—leave it to us. We will tailor-make a cocktail according to your vision and won’t stop until we’ve met your standards.

MENU Development

For establishments seeking an edge in the world of cocktails, our menu development services are the answer. Whether you’re a thriving club, a chic lounge, or an upscale restaurant, we curate menus that transcend the ordinary. From individual cocktails to a complete menu overhaul, we handle everything - ingredients, recipes, specifications, cost analysis, and more. Let us be your creative backbone, allowing you to focus on what you do best while we take care of the rest.

Concept Consultation

Your vision deserves to be more than just an idea. Our concept consultation services are designed to breathe life into your imagination. From brainstorming fresh ideas and graphic design to interior concepts, we’re your partners in turning abstract concepts into tangible realities. Let your creativity flow, and let us be the conduit that brings your ideas to life.

Event catering

Whether you’re drawn to the allure of our signature creations or yearning for a menu crafted exclusively for your event, our cocktails are designed to be the focal point of refined enjoyment. Our signature concoctions are the embodiment of innovation and expertise, while our tailored cocktails are a manifestation of your vision brought to life in liquid form. With our services, your event will become an immersive experience, where the drinks aren’t just beverages – they’re an integral part of the narrative.

Guest Shifts

Our mixology community thrives through collaboration. We’re eager to spend an evening with you, your team, and your patrons, showcasing and conveying our brand and perspective on mixology. We’re pleased to offer the creation of an exclusive, limited-time event menu that reflects your venue’s character, or alternatively, we can arrive equipped with our signature cocktails. We’re excited about the opportunity to deliver this experience!

Additional Services

Have a unique idea that doesn’t fit the mold? Don’t hesitate to inquire. At Crooked Capra, we revel creativity, and our team is eager to hear any requests that extended beyond our stated offerings. We would be more than happy to utilize our available resources to either offer aid or guide you in the appropriate direction.

have an idea? Inquire Regarding how we can help.

have a plan? Book a free consultation to discuss.